Transfers are happening today. I'm going to be staying in Leme, but my companion left yesterday for his new area. I'm actually not even in Leme right now; I'm with the two other elders (Brazilians) who will be staying in our zone this transfer, which will last for five weeks. Our new companions should get here sometime this afternoon. I found out last night that I will be have my very first Brazilian companion this transfer. I'm looking forward to having nothing to say to him and no way to say it even if I wanted to. I'm still going to work my hardest and try to make this work, but I'd be lying if I said I wasn't nervous about this transfer. Being able to speak English is such a blessing.
This is only the second time I have really had to deal with transfers, but I think I've already decided that I don't like them. I slept on the floor in a new house last night with two guys who don't speak English. I felt again how it was my first night in the mission field: alone, scared, and incredibly far from home.
But I'm still alive, so that's something, right?
I was trying to think about what happened this week when I remembered that I gave a talk in church on Sunday. You know, like it was no big deal. I may have already told you guys, but the branch in Leme has a special sacrament meeting on every third Sunday of the month where the talks are about missionary work (read: every third Sunday the elders have to speak). It was my second talk in Portuguese, and I think it went pretty well. I just told people to start going to the activities and talking to our investigators, which seems simple enough to me. I honestly don't know what else I could have told them to get involved in missionary work. Even though I have been here for six months, I still don't really feel like I know how to be a good teacher or powerful speaker or anything like that. I guess that's why I'll be here for another year and a half.
Oh, but Lenira went to Church by herself! Hooray! I still don't know why she doesn't want to be baptized, but we'll keep passing by her house and helping her. I'm hoping to find some good new people to teach this transfer. Hopefully having a Brazilian companion will make it a little easier to make connections with people and help them feel more comfortable around us. Who knows.
Just to let you know, I do realize that my English is gradually getting worse every day. I'd like to say it's because I am so good at speaking Portuguese now, but it probably isn't that. I think I'm just getting dumber.
Transfers always bring about boring emails. I'm sorry. I'm sure I'll have a ton of stuff to talk about next week.
Au amo vocĂȘs!
Elder Wings
Friday, April 23, 2010
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