Monday, June 6, 2011

And all day it seems we been in between a past and future time

June 6, 2011

Good morning, pessoal, tudo bem!

It may be hard to believe, but we were held back again this week by an illness. This time it was my companion's turn: starting Wednesday night, his throat became very sore. He almost completely lost his voice, and over the next few days went through the chills, a fever, a runny nose, a stuffy nose, and a headache. We spent practically the whole week in the house, which isn't as nice as it might sound. My comp spent a lot of time sleeping, and I read in the Book of Mormon, listened to General Conference talks, and took naps. I was kind of anxious to get out and work, but sometimes there's just nothing you can do. Oh, and now I'm starting to get a stuffy nose and sore throat. Hope it goes by fast!

Needless to say, it was a slow week.

The highlight of the week was on Thursday. We had a special conference in Ribeirão Preto called a Mission Tour. We usually have one or two a year. This time, Elder Carlos A. Godoy of the First Quorum of Seventy came and spoke. It was really inspirational and effective. It was cool, too, because my very first zone conference on my mission was actually a Mission Tour, and Elder Godoy was the guest at that conference as well! Of course, at that time I could hardly even understand what he was saying, so it was cool to be able to understand every word he said and really be edified by what he taught us. A good part of his training was actually the exact same thing that he had taught at the first Mission Tour, but this time I felt like his counsel was something that I could actually apply to my work; you don't really feel like that when you're brand new on the mission and just struggling to survive.

Anyway, his training was really good. He talked about his conversion, and how it's dangerous to judge people too easily. He was baptized when he was sixteen, and I guess he had really long hair and was kind of a hippie at the time. A member friend had originally invited Elder Godoy's sister to a ward activity because she fit the Mormon standards better -- I guess she looked more like what people think a Mormon should look like. And his sister brought Elder Godoy along to the activity. His sister, to this day, politely refuses to investigate the Church. But Elder Godoy, who no one really thought would even be interested in the Church, was baptized (with no family support), served a mission, got married in the temple, served as a mission president, and is now a general authority. He counseled us not to judge too quickly because behind that person who seems hopeless could be standing a general authority. You really never know.

Hopefully we'll be able to finish the transfer up strong and without any more sicknesses. Speaking of which, I will be starting my last transfer next week. I don't want you guys to think I'm trunky, because I'm not, but that's pretty nuts, right?

I had a crazy dream last night where I basically suffered a nervous breakdown because some people that I baptized in my last area aren't being as strong in the Church as I want them to, and because a member from one of my other areas was talking as I offered a prayer in front of his family. I remember freaking out and yelling and running back to the house, and then my comp had to calm me down.

That said, I had a dream on Saturday night that I got out of bed, walked into the bathroom, and went number one. The dream seemed so real that I woke up right after patting myself down to see if I had wet the bed. Luckily, my pants were dry.

Meaning, I don't know what these dreams mean. I'm going nuts, maybe? Sei lá.

Anyway, things are good out here. President is letting missionaries watch one Disney movie per month if the entire zone reaches there baptismal goal. Last month, our zone got our goal (12 baptisms, or an average of 1 per missionary), so we're going to watch the new Tron movie later today and go to a pizza rodízio. Life is good!

But more importantly, the Church is true! I love being a missionary, de verdade! I love all of you and hope that all is well!


elder wiggins

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