Hey família! How are all you guys doing?!
So, the big news from this week is that transfers were today. Elder Woolley and I both stayed here, so that's not too exciting. The only reason why this transfer is important is because it will be my last one! Yeah, I can't believe it, but my mission will be over in six weeks. How did that happen? Anyway, it was kind of a relief to find out about transfers because now I know where I'll be and who will be my comp when my mission ends. Elder Woolley is a great missionary and we get along well, so I'm excited. I have been doing well so far on not getting trunky, and I think I can keep it up. To be completely honest, the part of me that wants to go home is a lot smaller and a lot quieter than the part of me that wants to be a missionary. I love being a missionary! And the more I remember about what it means to be a normal person in the States, the less I want to go back. I love the protection and the Spirit that comes from being a missionary and keeping the mission rules. I am afraid of losing that support net after the mission.
Mas, em fim. I'm just trying not to think about the end too much. I still have six weeks, anyway! I think my comp and I are going to make a goal not to talk about home at all this transfer. And we were thinking about only speaking Portuguese to each other, but I don't know if that one will hold up. We'll see.
For my companion and me, this week was kind of a porcaria (that means it was bad). We just had a string of really lackluster days, so our week just kind of fell apart. The zone did well though, and part of the reason why we weren't able to work so much is because we had to do some baptismal interviews, so that wasn't exactly a bad thing.
Anyway, that was easily the highlight of the week. As far as the rest of things for now, yes it is stressful to be a zone leader. We had a zone leader council this week with all the mission leadership, and it stressed me out pretty hard. It's like, the mission was already hard enough before I had to worry about training missionaries and solving their problems and getting perfect numbers every week and all that. But it's good. Learning, growth, discomfort. It's all part of it.
I am so excited to be able to work for six more weeks out here. The mission is paradise! It's so hard, but I love it! I know that the Church is true! I know that Jesus Christ is my Savior and Redeemer, and He loves me. His restored gospel is the only way to true, enduring happiness. What a blessing it is to be able to share it with others! I love you guys! Have a great week!
elder wiggins
PS The other photo is of my zone. Just for fun.
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